If you fear you don't have Free Speech, they've already built a prison in your mind.
The astonishing news police came knocking at a veteran journalist's door last weekend shows just how bad things have become. Weaponising so-called non-crime hate incidents is itself, a hate crime.
America is fascinated by us. Not because of our royals, palaces and double decker buses. Nor because of our quintessential sardonicism and subversive humour. Not because of our traditional spelling and quaint vernacular. Not tea. Nor the word Twat. No. Because to those who live under the First Amendment, we have become the poster child of what a dystopian future could look like without it.
Visit Britain for a Futuristic Experience!
If anywhere is going to reverberate with Middle America as a cautionary tale for what happens when Free Speech fails, it's us.
From Downton Abbey, to The Office, Americans love us and know us, what we've come from, and what we are right now. Their care for us is somewhere between eccentric cousin and Mad Aunt. In some regards, we are their maker. In other ways, they have become ours. In much the same way we look across The Pond for what may be coming to change our society, and ironically cancel culture and wokery is Transatlantic, they are now doing the same. Little Broken Britain is an ideal scare story for anyone wanting to ward off the spirits of Leftism in America, like peering into a small hand mirror to pop a pimple. Or is that zit?
But we've certainly been churning out a lot of material lately that makes those scare stories all the more palpable in America, and back at us in reflected horror. I barely need to list them all. You know them already. Unpalatable social media posts landing otherwise law abiding citizens in jail. The Fuzz knocking on Alison Pearson’s door on Remembrance Sunday (the juxtaposition of remembering those who gave their lives to fight authoritarianism is bitter). And the Two Tier thing. That has really flown off the shelves online among the anti-identitarians in the States.
Then came reports that police made hundreds of other visits to a multitude of unsuspecting Brits, including a 9 year old child for saying retard and two school girls for saying someone smelt of fish. This now equates to intimidation and child abuse, let alone a massive malfunction of common sense.
Then we learn Yvette Cooper wants to reverse limits placed on legislation surrounding so called Hate Crimes that were put in place to protect free speech. Despite rumours Number 10 are in a panic about America’s rolling commentary on our dystopian decline, they don’t seem to want to let up on the march towards thought crime.
It's now at the point that the spectre of the possibility of being arrested for a non-crime hate incident (a contradiction in terms), lives rent free in your head.
It is clear from the deliberate targeting, framing and intimidation of Allison Pearson, which increasingly looks as though it could have been perpetrated by a person hellbent on trying to destroy her career, is itself the malicious act. The “victim” as the police insisted on calling the shitty, spiteful snitch, appears to be an individual who was insistent that police investigate the deleted tweet, pushing the issue repeatedly when forces originally dismissed it (rightly so). Even more farcically, it appears the so-called ‘offensive’ material attributed to the Telegraph columnist was in fact posted by a namesake. If anything is a hate motivated attack, it's the vindictive person wasting police time and trying to frame a journalist for their political views.
The lunacy that police forces up and down the country can’t see this and are now even nicking kids, knocking on neighbours and coming after the commentariat is very real.
They should go after the Prime Minister himself, for calling us Far Right thugs, for prejudicing dozens of court cases by stating social media posts caused riots without providing the burden of proof, for making us all feel intimidated. When it comes to NCHI’s, he’s the perpetrator in chief. He makes us all feel like we are living in terror, because of our beliefs.
The fear that you could be next bumps in the night, sends shivers down your spine, and leaves a haunting miasma on your conscience every time you log in, or open your mouth.
I know. That's me. The knot of anxiety in my sternum is now so large and ever present, I should consider naming it and offering it breakfast every morning.
Forget building dozens more much needed bricks and mortar prisons for real criminals. No. The Government has instead effectively constructed millions of psychological cells inside your very own braincells.
And that, dear reader, was what was so effective about fascists of the last century. The ever present fear. The Maoists, the Stasi and now Starmer’s Britain.
So how do you jail break from such psychological torment? Unless there is a genuine concern the rozzers are going to interrupt Sunday Roast, I'd suggest embracing the old adage of Sticks and Stones. Don’t let them win.
The Fear works, by and large, because we all go along with it. The previous innate rules we once lived by, Christian values, where judgement came from God alone with an ever knowing presence in our lives, was compassionately balanced with Free Will and Forgiveness. This new faux morality has no such counterbalances. There is no redemption and there is no liberty. Acknowledging that the cultural Marxists want what’s gone before to be scrapped and replaced by their own pernicious system is the first important step to defeating their agenda. Believe in something, be it Britain, your gut or the Bible. Not their New World Order.
If you check yourself when you want to dismiss gender fluidity, denounce mass migration, worry about Islamification or question the climate crisis, you're praying in their chapel. Stop it. You get to think those things and if you want to voice them, you get to do that, too. Arm yourself with a bit of research and politely say to whomever vilifies you that you believe your concerns to be valid.
Surround yourself with a fearless peer group who are equally unfettered. Anyone who won't let you speak your mind or punishes you for doing so is a bully. You don't need those people in your life. You can disagree, debate. That’s healthy. But don’t let anyone else get away with putting you down for what you think.
Use words wisely, but speak your mind. Be the good guy. Disagree without resorting to name calling, for that's their domain. Racist, Terf, Transphobe, Bigot, Fascist and Nazi are the words of the bullies. Remember smugly that they are the bad guys, not you. Feel sorry for them. Bullies are often deeply insecure.
And avoid anyone or anything that insists upon zealously preaching the new Doctrine. Don't bother engaging, don’t pursue being triggered, don’t quote post these people or give their lunacy a second of your time. Starve them of the oxygen. Spare us all. Very often they are looking to create a stir. Don’t give them a spoon.
Imagine if every sane minded human in Britain (of which we are the overwhelming majority) just decided overnight to follow these rules? To not play their game, but decide that they are free to think and say whatever they like. If it was done in unison, the Woke Warriors would be unable to wage war upon us. We'd have won by sheer stubborness. They would have to fight amongst themselves (as they are deliciously wont to do). Let them self cannibalise.
Make this a people’s resistance. Be part of the change you want to see. This is still a free country - just. It’s our collective duty to defend it.
Keep fighting the fight Alex! You are not alone and I believe that there are enough people who are prepared to stand up and be counted to stop this cancer that has invaded our society!
I will not be told what I can or cannot say. I do not go round spouting vitriol but I will say what I believe to be true.
I fear greatly that this once great country will be irreparably damaged by this Marxist/Communist government whose leader is completely out of his depth. I admire what you’re doing Alex, thank you and keep up the good work.