The Great Schism
MAGA 2.0 is not a 'shock' election result. It's part of a series of signs that show ordinary people are fighting back against a cultish New World Order. And it won't stop.
Another huge ‘shock’ election result, this time, in America. The Power House, culturally, industrially and economically, of the Western Hemisphere, has fallen into the throes of Populism. Donald Trump didn’t just scrape through. In what was expected to be a really tight race where recounts and legal challenges could have perpetuated results for days, by early evening, the writing was on the wall. MAGA was back.
But is it really a shock at all? When a pattern plays out, again and again, surely the surprise factor diminishes.
For today, in most developed Western societies, a swing to the right is taking place (or back to the centre, if truth be told). In countries where the electoral system enables the powers that be to create a buffer, or through coordinated opposition as seen in the recent French snap election, the Old Guard has just about hung on. In almost all of these democracies, the new political pandemic sweeping The West is demonised as Fascist, racist and dangerous, which in itself does enough to stymy it’s full force, cowing its proponents and bullying its followers into silence.
Were this force to be allowed to progress unhindered, one wonders how much more assertive it would be?
It’s very simple to see what is going on. A kind of 21st century Great Schism, where two competing ideologies are fighting for power. On one hand, the world of the ordinary man and woman, raised on Judaeo-Christian values, structurally self-sufficient as far as circumstances permit, and as fundamentally immutable as the basic biology and human psychology from which such ways of being are borne.
On the other hand is a neo religion, the Globalist product of great change, which can only be navigated should wealth and status provide a shield. Under this neo religion, everything that has for millennia been a condition of existence, raising a family, toiling to nourish it, being suspicious of other tribes and collecting in monocultural communities, is both blasphemic and under threat. The concept of sex and identity, let alone procreation, is being rapidly reset by modern medicine and mythological mantras of gender; the ability to provide for one’s progeny undermined by economic turmoil and global credit crisis; the natural gravitation towards one’s own clan persecuted as an irreligious act of racism and immorality and challenged by open borders, and the community microcosms that have woven the fabric of humanity forever, challenged by an atomised digital landscape where more people spend time interacting through avatars online. Everything being challenged and changed by this neo religion feels, and is, deeply human. And so is the resultant resistance.
In the wake of this aggressive ideology, that takes no prisoners and has captured every layer of public organisation in The West, has come burgeoning mental health crises and fraying social structures. A growing communal sense of existential threat, that for many is hard to describe, but palpable. And yet onwards it has pressed, at a giddying pace, demanding anyone that fails to follow it be ostracised and shamed.
Yet humans are proving themselves to be rather resilient, particularly those at the sharp end. It is largely the working classes, and a few enlightened others, that can see in glaring horror that this sweeping new change brings with it great peril in its very unhuman nature. When it’s their neighbourhoods changing irrevocably, their kids being brainwashed online, their production lines closing down under the commandments of The Climate Crisis and livelihoods slashed, they may not always feel free to speak about it, but when they have the opportunity to vote, they will. Which is why those who simply cannot see, precisely because they live a sheltered life and therefore do not have an unhindered view, time and again, simply don’t get it.
And so we have a situation where once again, polling shows one thing and the results, another. Where the working classes and middle belt have caught the elites off guard.
The figureheads of Populism are increasingly brash and brutish, from Wilders to Trump. Yet who else would stand in the face of the new religion and dare challenge it, knowing the vitriol and persecution they will face? That takes guts, and possibly a narcissistic level of certainty.
Yet soon the tide will reach further in, and bring along those who before it could not touch. The politics of so-called Populism will inevitably become mainstream, unless the revocation of the new religion happens first. Because we will always be human.
The Renaissance of MAGA will not be the last (totally unsurprising) ‘shock’ election result in The West. We are living through the era of a Great Schism. And my gut tells me Woke has had its day.
Perfectly put as always Alex. 👏 Woke and globalism have defined their day. Time to take back the asylum from the lunatics 😁 😉
I love the way you write Alex, you got it spot on, I subscribed to watch the Tommy interview but I will definitely continue to subscribe as I I’m thoroughly enjoying your site