Why does that tinfoil hat fit so good?
It's hard in the madness of the political lunacy sweeping the West to not wonder about conspiracy
I have been trying on various conspiracy theories. There you go. I admit it.
Having always been quietly, rationally trusting, with enough of an inquisitive mind to be drawn to journalism as a career, I have treated conspiracy theories with objective fascination. Much of my wonderment is about why people are drawn to them, rather than the credibility of the theories themselves.
But something has changed recently.
The sheer madness of what increasingly looks like a wilful desire to drive Western civilisation off a cliff begs far too many questions.
Whether a result of the online information nebula we now live in, where stories, opinions, videos and analyses from around the globe are instant and interconnected, and the veil of perception once filtered through powerful media houses being lifted, I’m not sure. But the odour of conspiracy shimmers like a miasma over legacy media brands that were once almost unquestioningly trusted, and of the intentions of Governments and supranational organisations.
And it’s not just me. The statistics bear this out. Elon Musk’s platform X has now become the most the used platform as a source of news in the UK.
Of course, this comes with the risk of getting an indiscernible serving of garbage as well as truthful revelations. But you have to wonder were it not for social media platforms such as X, were it just down to the legacy media, would the public have been any the wiser about a whole range of issues? The patent mass cover up constructed by the Democrat Party and their media friends over the state of Ol’ Joe Biden’s rapid deterioration made many realise quite how much the powers that be are prepared to brazenly lie.
The hunch that we are increasingly being gaslit and deliberately deceived suddenly became shockingly apparent.
And much like mental dominoes, suddenly everything else can be called into question.
The lawfare against Trump, the assassination attempts, the screeching of danger when the previous Trump Presidency brought more economic and global stability than had been enjoyed in years. Why are they so desperate to stop this man?
We’ve seen it in the UK too. Despite the utter catastrophe of the Eurozone crisis, the irreparable harm of European open borders combined with Mutti Merkel’s Mantra Refugees Welcome and the appalling behaviour of the EU during these crises, Brexit was lampooned as an act of national self sabotage that would collapse the economy, lead to war in Ireland and, my favourite apocalyptic warning, spread super gonorrhoea.
Despite none of these things ever occurring, and instead witnessing the demise of EU economies, the reticence to react to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the failed vaccine roll out and the increasing demand across Europe for Populist leaders who will close the bloody borders, we are still sold the lie that EU membership is desirable.
The same brainwashed doomsters tell you leaving the ECHR, stopping kids being fed body warping hormones and supporting Israel as they single handedly fight the world’s most evil terrorist organisations are all dangerous things. Yet these very things are largely the shields against the biggest threats to The West right now.
Why, when even a bona fide medical inquiry showed that transing kids was at the very least questionable if not barbaric, are we still being forced to play the perverse pronoun game?
Why do so many political elites in America and Europe demonise controlling immigration, protecting our cultures and Christian roots, safeguarding children, questioning Net Zero targets crippling industry and leaving The West at the mercy of fossil-fuel powered regimes and a predatory China, enshrining freedom and sovereignty by regarding the nation state as the bastion of democracy? How is any of this mad, bad and evil? The very things wars were fought to protect. Everything once vital to the progress of The West is now in a perverse photo-negative deemed regressive and necessary to stop.
Increasingly it's not just confined to trendy ‘progressive’ rhetoric either. Political elites in the West and their usurping judiciaries are actively blocking nation-centric policies designed to preserve security and stability while doling out irrational, dangerous, experimental and unwanted socialist extremes.
What is going on?
The word conspire is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as ‘make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act’
Is that not what is happening at a supranational level? Is it not, largely, the actions of non-sovereign entities that kneecap elected governments - from UN charters, to COP treaties to EU diktats? Meanwhile increasingly voters cry out for Wilders, Meloni, Le Pen, Kickl, Orban, Trump, Pavel, Fico et al, all of whom the media would tell you are Far Right Neo-Nazis.
Why is it in The West, the nation state is considered such a dangerous entity it must be eunuchized, while in continents where raging battles still cost millions of lives, coups and civil wars are largely ignored? Many of which are being wilfully precipitated by foreign powers as part of ruthless resource plunders while The West prostrates at the altar of its evil, colonial past.
So I have begun to ask the questions that the elites themselves would tell you are abnormal and irrational to ask.
Why the cover up of the Chinese Covid Lab leak? What is being discussed at the unelected World Health Organisation about treaties in preparedness for ‘the next pandemic’? How and why did so many countries follow such bizarre, controlling regulations for so long? Where has Covid now magically gone?!
Why does a cabal of 46 judges in Strasbourg, unelected and unaccountable, overrule national governments to prevent deportations of illegal migrants and foreign criminals?
Who came up with the idea of beatifying a neurodivergent Swedish school child to invite to international summits like some kind of oracle of their cartoonish alarmist climate crisis narrative?
Why can't countries that fought armadas and great naval battles with warships and cannon fire not prevent small inflatable dinghies entering their waters?
Where did the crazy idea that biological sex was made up, that men could pretend to be women even in the Olympics, and kids could have drugs and surgeries to ‘treat’ a largely concocted and vanishingly rare mental condition, come from - and why? An alien bystander looking down from space would observe such madness leads to the collapse of reproduction, meanwhile in The West we are told that due to low birth rates, we must import the developing world instead.
In order to make this all palatable to those fighting the creeping sense of civilisational existential decline, came the tsunami roll out of the BLM movement which astonishingly coordinated mass demonstrations across the West after a pretty unremarkable ex criminal died during a police operation in America. Such sweeping success in getting a campaign to catch on so broadly and prolifically takes a heck of a lot of doing. It is not simply organic. Yet where was the fertile ground for it? There is no longer apartheid, nor segregation. There are no race riots, lynchings and brown shirts with holocaustal manifestos. In fact, things had become so historically stable, that today, the very concept of racism has had to be remodelled as an unconscious thought.
Why, when we know that terror organisations and proscribed groups at the very least part coordinate Pro-Palestine rallies disrupting capital cities on a weekly basis, have we allowed them to go ahead? Most Muslim countries prohibit showing any support for Hamas, Hezbollah or the Houthis, yet these increasingly audacious marches take place in Paris, London, New York and Rome.
Rather than be grateful to Benjamin Netanyahu for single handedly taking out the leadership of the world’s most treacherous terror groups whose intent is wiping out not just the Jews, but everyone and everything not aligned to their caliphate dream, instead the war in Gaza is reported by the media as a blow by blow account of unjustifiable atrocities. Yet in a twisted table of casualties in the world’s three current major wars, Russia-Ukraine has left more than 200,000 dead, the Sudanese civil war has caused 2 million deaths over two decades with more than 7 million homeless and facing starvation, while in Gaza, the dubious Hamas-stated death toll is at 40,000, with at least half of those likely being Hamas fighters deliberately using citizens as human shields.
So many deeply concerning questions emerge from what we are being force fed by politicians and the press today. So many patent acts of national self harm are being enthusiastically adopted by leaders, while anyone questioning the chaos is shut down as a threat. Who, or what, if anyone or anything, is behind it all?
Some of the vehicles are clear, with many policies tending to emanate from supranational organisations that evade public scrutiny: The UN, The EU, The ECHR. That's not a wild assertion, but a clear fact. Once benign trade organisations or well meaning peace treaties have become, in essence, global executives castrating national ones. Well, at least in The West. I can't think of a single developing world country that is scared of ‘international law’ or curtseys to the ‘rules based order’ in the same way.
Then there is the network of highly funded and increasingly unhinged Non Governmental Organisations. The Stonewalls of this world, Care for Calais, the myriad social justice and so-called race equality activist groups that push more and more radical agendas. There are so-called ‘philanthropists’ such as George Soros pouring billions into such operations. But why are national governments listening to, and in some cases, also funding these uninvited and largely disliked campaigns that seem to only target The West? Surely if one really cared about racial harmony and pushing for progress, the candidate countries would be in the developing world, not the societies where by and large these issues have been overcome to the extent we are simultaneously told we must welcome anybody wishing to leave their chaotic countries and come to ours instead?
What ties together all of these entities, and why are they seemingly hell bent on riding roughshod over normal citizens who can increasingly see, and repeatedly vote against, the rabid imposition of evidently undesirable and harmful policies?
Yes, they do all gather in Davos. And no, that is also not madcap to point out the thousands of helicopters ferrying world leaders, industrialists and billionaires into an extravagant ski resort annually to conduct a confidential jamboree - of what exactly?
Is it really far fetched to question what is discussed there? There’s been a lot of wild and provably wrong misinformation about The Great Reset, which is indeed something widely discussed by the WEF but not in the largely ludicrous terms often bandied about online. And then there’s Replacement Theory, which other than the musings of Renaud Camus, finds no evidence of a publicised plan nor Machiavellian organisation with a nihilistic agenda. Yet when terms like Global Minority become vogue, open borders see record levels of demographic change, and there’s ongoing political weakness in the face of hostile regimes and religions alongside a temerity to demonise and destroy our own history, it suddenly becomes an appealing explanation to those who demand to know why no other credible explanations are being given.
I am minded, or at least I have been, to assume that what is going on is zombified mission creep mixed with incompetency and cowardice, all being exploited by non-democratic enemies in the shape of China, Russia and Iran.
But when the effects become more and more injurious and the wounds increasingly self-inflicted, when criticism becomes more and more condemned and the cover ups become more and more sloppy, it is hard to bat it all away as somehow inevitable, accidental, or normal.
I live in hope, given recent political changes, from the push to close European borders through the election of populist entities, however hard other political movements tried to prevent this from happening, that The West can yet turn a corner.
But it all still begs the question of how we got here in the first place, and why?
Only time will tell whether rationality is restored. If it is not, perhaps we will finally get to see behind the curtain what, if anything, really is behind it all.
George Orwell was a Free Mason; we need to be listening to him as this is what we are heading for
Barry Wall is teaching his warrior teachers all about the how and why. Would love to see him at the cider house with you 😍