There you are. I’ve been expecting you… It’s time to do things differently
I know you’ve been rather addled of late. Angry and at a loss to make sense of it all. That’s why you came here, isn’t it?
You’re also in much need of some good, honest, old school, irreverent fun. The kind of unscripted conversation that would get a girl cancelled anywhere else!
What could be better than spending time with some of the best people I know, as we shout at, laugh at and scoff at the world today? With a pint or 12 of proper cider? Hanging out with some of the greatest humans in an anti-woke den of scrumpy. You won’t find anything like this, anywhere else.
This isn’t boring journalism, rambling waffle or self important drudgery. This is an offbeat, unexpected, brutally honest and wonderful world YOU get to join for some communal catharsis!
So come and be part of The Cider House - where the usual rules no longer apply.
We’ll tumble through a nonsense nebula of culture wars, foreign wars, information wars and identity wars with mind blowing guests and a mug of proper cider.
I’ll interview some of the most thought provoking people out there doing extraordinary work into topics most media would rather cover up. There’s going to be a glut of incredible content like nothing else out there.
Alas, nothing in life is for free. And as much as I would take great pleasure in doing this noble work pro bono, that cider and tech doesn’t pay for itself!
But I’ll proffer a decent deal. For the price of less than a pint in a pub per month, I promise to get a range of incredible guests to The Cider House and interview some of the best brains of the 21st century.
I open up my home to a cast of amazing people to share some scrumpy as they pick a playlist and open themselves up to some pretty lively and candid chats. You will not be disappointed!
So come join The Cider House. And if you feel like making that pint a ploughmans, you can become a VIP and get even more access.
I hate faffery. I’m sure you do, too
We could all do with life being a little less complicated. So instead of thinking you might find yourself subscribing and then forget to turn up when the coolest people have come to the scrumpy den, let me make it as simple as possible.
Add whichever email address you want to my list (the important one, that weird one from 20 years ago full of spam) and the cider sessions will land straight in your inbox for you to enjoy, whenever you want.
On the train. In the waiting room. During a lazy lie in. Even at 4am when your restless mind just won’t be quieted. Oh, go on then, while you’re on the privy should you wish.
Also, don’t worry. There are more like us
I know quite a few other folk on this incredible platform who are also wired up like us.