You Really Want The Government To Legalise Someone Killing You?
‘Our’ NHS can barely do the job of keeping people alive, the backlogs in our legal system are chronic, and the past decade has shown just how rapidly the Woke agenda rewrites morality
Assisted dying. Not euthanasia. So we are told. Although etymologically, I think I prefer the latter. It comes from the Greek ‘eu’ meaning good and ‘thanatos’ for death.
‘Assisted dying’ to my mind conjures up precisely the ghoulish scenes we would need to impermeably safeguard against were such legislation to ever come to pass.
“One more sip of this special medicine, Grandma.”
“That's OK, Olivia, life is dangerous and it's not your fault if you are non-happy fluid oppressed intersectionally nihilist adjacent. The patriarchy does not deserve supremacy over your privilege to choose”
“So you've come here today to…” [checks notes] “...choose the path to unburden yourself from what has been?”
There are strong and compelling arguments to give people dignity in dying. We would not wish upon our pets some of the deplorable suffering relatives and friends of sound mind but chronic decline must endure. But is that the same as actively intruding upon destiny and killing someone? Yes. Killing. Because let's not play the game of minimising and infantilising language when it's the ultimate act. It is actively participating in taking away an existence.
Herein lies my anguish. We live in an age where teenage girls exorcising pounds of natural and healthy breast tissue for a hastily and often wrongly diagnosed psychiatric condition is playfully called ‘top surgery.’ Where a sexual degenerate with an alarming Venn diagram of fetish, perversion and compulsion is joyfully ‘fluid.’ Where monsters who commit atrocities are shrouded in legal protections while perfectly normal people merely protesting out of concern are locked up.
Is this really the disturbing photo negative of morality you want acting as the prism through which legislation enabling someone to legally end someone else’s life should manifest?
Of course, we will be told there would be the most steadfast of protections. If we are lucky, as complex and multipaged as our tax system. But public trust in Government and public bodies is at an all time low for a reason. I don't think they should be hurriedly penning a license to kill.
The same male nurse who insists on stalking women's changing rooms with his penis flapping about while shopping female colleagues to the rainbow lanyard police for objecting to his wandering gaze could end up being the very same one administering a lethal injection concocted by the makers of Covid vaccines, while silent prayer is outlawed in a 150 meter exclusion zone.
This is the same NHS of the Lucy Letby horror murders - or a horror of miscarriage of justice. Either is monstrously morbid. A cunning murdress able to evade detection to wilfully murder the most vulnerable in her care. Or the greatest of failures, conspiracies and cover ups in recent medical history. Neither screams out to me, let's push ahead with legalising hastening death!
In 2023/24 the NHS received 13,784 legal clinical claims, more than 37 claims per day. The same NHS that gets sued approximately once every 40 minutes could be given the capability to legally bump someone off.
And while the NHS pays out around £2.8bn a year in compensation for medical negligence, for those who are suffering a painful, chronic demise, the Government pays a paltry £350 million a year towards funding hospices, where we send loved ones to live out their final days without suffering - a meagre third of what they truly need to even basically function. The equivalent to just over a month of putting migrants into hotels.
The rest, over £1 billion, comes from volunteer staffed charity shops, donations and fundraising. You.
The truth is the Government has for a long time shrugged off trying to find ways to provide comfort and care for you and your loved ones at the end. Their priorities lie elsewhere. Including, now, seeking to allow people who desperately need that care, to end their lives instead.
I am not immune to the heartbreak and inhumanity of chronic, fatal diseases that too many people have to endure. It has touched my own life in a very personal way.
But giving Sir Keir Starmer, the woke judiciary and increasingly spiteful anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-common sense and anti-us, wilful and incompetent public authorites and politicians, powers over life and death right now, cannot be the sane choice.
My dad had a very rare disease SPS , it was evil what it did to his body, no body should have to suffer like that, I always said if I get it would end my life my way BUT there is no way I would trust any one in this corrupt country, the NHS are not capable of doing this with out mistakes being made.
NHS caused my dad brain damage and very nearly killed him 3 times because they were too lazy to read his notes.
I will never forget how he was treated .
I completely agree with you Alex. Dangerous times indeed.